Realistic human avatars have a range of applications [13, 55] in various domains, e.g., virtual reality, filmmaking, and video games. This work focuses on the specific setting of creating animatable and relightable human avatars from sparse-view or monocular RGB videos. This problem is challenging due to the inherent ambiguity of acquiring human geometry, materials, and motions from sparse view images [20, 46]. Traditional methods [17, 19, 20, 22, 32, 55, 62] resolve this ambiguity via customized and costly capture devices, e.g., light stages with controllable illumination and dense camera arrays. However, such devices are restricted to professional users, impeding their universality and generalization.
Recent neural scene representation-based methods [38, 45, 60] have demonstrated the ability to extract detailed geometry and photorealistic appearance of human performers from sparse-view videos without sophisticated studio setup. These methods typically define the human model in canonical space and warp it into world space through a deformation module to represent human performers observed in videos. For example, AniSDF [45] models the human geometry and appearance as neural signed distance and radiance fields, and deforms them using linear blend skinning (LBS) [35] and learned local deformation networks. Albeit showing the capability of novel pose synthesis, the reconstructed avatars in these works [38, 44, 60] are not relightable as they bake the shading and shadow into the appearance model. As a result, the shading of the avatars under novel poses is unrealistic and the environment illumination cannot be changed, which restricts the applicability of the avatars.
Another line of works attempts to create relightable models under natural illumination through inverse rendering techniques [10, 53, 67, 70, 71], which estimate surface material parameters from input images through differentiable physically-based rendering. Computing the visibility of 3D points to the environment light is essential for accurate estimation [70, 71], but the cost of visibility computation is high. To improve efficiency, L-Tracing [15] adopts a signed distance field to represent the scene geometry and estimates the light visibility through sphere tracing, which iteratively marches along a ray using distance values until hitting the surface. Although this strategy works well on static objects, it is not suitable for animatable neural avatars [45, 60, 63], which warp the canonical SDF to world space based on a non-rigid motion field, producing a deformed SDF. The reason is that sphere tracing might not converge on the deformed SDF [51] since the SDF is inherently defined in the canonical space, thereby yielding incorrect world-space distance.
In this work, we propose a novel approach for creating relightable and animatable human avatars from sparse-view (or monocular) videos via neural inverse rendering. Inspired by previous methods [45, 60], we parameterize the human avatar as MLP networks, which predict material parameters and signed distance for any 3D point in canonical space. These values are transformed into world space for rendering through a neural deformation field. Our innovation lies in designing a hierarchical query scheme that enables a consistent approximation of 3D points’ distance to the surface of the neural avatar under arbitrary human poses. This allows us to perform sphere tracing for 3D points’ pixel-surface intersection and light visibility for physically-based rendering. Specifically, we smoothly blend the world-space KNN (when query points are far from the surface) distances and canonical-space neural SDF (when query points are close to the surface), approximating an SDF defined on the world-space geometry of the neural avatar. In this way, vanilla sphere tracing [25] can be performed on the deformed SDF in world space when animating and relighting the avatar, avoiding the non-linearity of canonical sphere tracing, as well as the pitfalls of world space tracing with incorrect world-space distance.
Based on the Hierarchical Distance Query algorithm, we further develop a soft visibility computation scheme by incorporating traditional distance field soft shadow (DFSS) [43] onto the deformed SDF, which is essential to the photorealism of the relightable neural avatar. The soft shadow produced by an area light source typically requires multiple light samples to compute, while DFSS utilizes distance values to approximate the soft shadow coefficient with only a single sample. Note that it is not trivial to combine DFSS with previous methods [44, 60, 63], as they cannot produce world-space distance values from 3D points to the scene surface along an arbitrary direction.
To validate our approach, we collect a real-world multi-view dataset dubbed MobileStage, which captures the complex shading and shadow effects of dynamic humans with an array of mobile phone cameras. Furthermore, we extend the SyntheticHuman dataset [45] with novel illuminations, enabling the evaluation of relightable neural avatars with ground-truth photometric properties and relighting results. Experiments on relighting ability and novel pose synthesis show that our method outperforms the state-of-the-art with superior visual quality and physical accuracy on both real-world and synthetic datasets. Our code will be made publicly available for reproducibility.
Our contributions can be summarized as follows: (a) We propose a novel system for reconstructing relightable and animatable neural avatars from sparse-view (or monocular) videos. (b) We design a hierarchical distance query algorithm for efficient pixel-surface intersection and light visibility computation using sphere tracing. (c) We extend DFSS to drivable neural SDF, efficiently producing realistic soft shadows for the neural avatars. (d) We demonstrate quantitative and qualitative improvements compared to prior work.
Human avatars. To produce animatable human avatars, previous methods [13, 23, 24, 55, 58, 64] generally adopt a three-stage pipeline: they first reconstruct the human shape and appearance, then bind the shape to a skeleton, and finally animate the human model through linear blend skinning (LBS) algorithm [35]. Traditional methods tend to leverage complicated hardware, such as dense camera arrays [17, 21, 32, 54, 55] or depth sensors [3, 9, 52, 57], to create high-fidelity human models. Recently, some optimizationbased methods [4, 30, 46, 61, 63] have attempted to reconstruct human models given sparse multi-view videos. For example, Neural Body [46] represents a dynamic human model by combining SMPL model [39] with neural radiance field (NeRF) [41]. Its model parameters are learned from images through differentiable volume rendering.
Animating human avatars. To animate the reconstructed human model, some [4, 26] retrieve the skinning weights of the SMPL model for performing the LBS algorithm. Several methods [14, 26, 44, 49] opt to optimize personalized skinning weights for the target human subject, where they represent the skinning weights as an MLP network and learn it from input data, such as human shapes [14, 49] or multi-view videos [26, 37, 44]. Another line of works [38, 45] introduces a neural displacement field to improve animation realism. The articulated deformation is represented by the
Figure 2. Overview of the proposed sparse-view relightable and animatable human avatar. (a) Given world space camera rays, we perform sphere tracing on the hierarchically queried distances (Sec. 3.2) to find surface intersections and canonical correspondences (Sec. 3.3). (b) Light rays generated by an optimizable light probe are also sphere traced with HDQ to compute the closest distances along the ray for soft visibility (Sec. 3.3). (c) Material properties (Sec. 3.4) and surface normals are queried on the canonical correspondences and warped to world space. (d) Then, the final pixel colors are computed using the rendering equation (Sec. 3.5).
LBS model of SMPL, and the non-rigid deformation is predicted using an MLP network. While neural animatable methods can produce dynamic avatars that appear realistic, they do not model the material properties of the avatars, making them unable to adapt to different lighting conditions.
Relighting human avatars. To relight objects, a typical approach is first acquiring their material properties and then rendering with new illumination through physically-based rendering. Traditional methods [20, 50] mostly require a known illumination for calculating the material parameters through photometric stereos. Light stage-based approaches [19, 20, 22, 62] build a controllable light array to capture images of target subjects under multiple illuminations. Based on these captured images and the known illuminations, they solve for the unknown material properties. Following this setting, some methods [8, 28, 36] achieve photorealistic relighting results by adopting a neural renderer to implicit learn the relightable appearance model from light-stage images. However, these methods typically require the geometry to be known a priori. More recently, neural inverse rendering methods [7, 10–12, 15, 34, 53, 56, 65, 67, 70, 71] explore more flexible capture settings, where the illumination is unknown or even variable. Motivated by its potential for many human-centric applications, research on human relighting has been widely conducted in the literature [40, 42, 66, 69]. Same as other objects, the material properties of human subjects can be recovered using neural inverse rendering methods. The difference is that human subjects exhibit more strong material priors. Therefore, some methods [5, 27, 29, 33, 42, 66] attempt to train neural networks to predict human materials from a single image. Recently, Relighting4D [16] have attempted to acquire human materials from sparse multi-view videos. However, Relighting4D is not designed to relight animatable avatars realistically, limiting its applicability.
Given a sparse-view (or monocular) video of a human performer under natural and unknown illumination, we learn to reconstruct the drivable geometry and photometric properties of the human performer to create an animatable and relightable neural avatar. We assume the human poses and the foreground masks are provided as in [38, 44–46].
3.1. Overview
An overview of the relightable and animatable avatar can be found in Fig. 2. We formulate the relightable and animatable avatar using a set of canonical space neural fields and a warping between world and canonical space defined by the linear blend skinning algorithm [35] and a displacement field [38, 44, 45, 61]. In the canonical space, we define a set of geometry (S(x)) and material neural fields (A(x) and ) for the animated human model. The canonical space displacement field provides additional pose-dependent deformation on top of SMPL inverse LBS. More details about the warping process are provided in Sec. 3.2.
The relightable and animatable neural avatar will be rendered by casting camera rays in world space and finding the surface intersection points and their normals using the Hierarchical Distance Query (HDQ) algorithm, whose material properties albedo and roughness can be obtained from the canonical material MLP networks, composing the BRDF model . Light visibility can be computed by performing HDQ sphere tracing on all
Figure 3. Illustration of Hierarchical Distance Query. For point 0, it falls out of the cut-off threshold, so its coarse distance is used directly as the world space distance. For point 1, it is within the range of local SDF values, so we blend the coarse world space distance and fine canonical distance to get the target SDF value.
incoming light directions. We also incorporate the Distance Field Soft Shadow (DFSS) algorithm [2, 6, 43] onto our drivable neural distance fields for soft-visibility computation. These properties are used to compute the radiance using the rendering equation [31]:
where is the outgoing radiance at the surface intersection point is the outgoing radiance direction, and is the incoming radiance direction. In this paper, we use the Microfacet BRDF model in [59] which is defined in the canonical space of the animatable avatar, and an optimizable light probe image . To make the optimization process more controllable, we separate the training process into two stages by postponing the training of the material and environment light probe after the geometry of the neural avatar has converged.
3.2. Hierarchical Distance Query
Given the world space query point x, we approximate its world space distance to the closest surface point on the neural avatar with the Hierarchical Distance Query algorithm , which is later used for Sphere Tracing [25]. The query algorithm consists of four stages: (a) coarse distance query, (b) inverse warping, (c) fine distance query, and (d) smooth distance blending.
Coarse distance query. We first perform a geodesicallyaware signed K Nearest Neighbor (GS-KNN) algorithm [48] on the posed vertices of the driven parametric human model (SMPL-H [47]). GS-KNN produces the indices of the K closest points to x in V, and its corresponding world-space closest vertices, distances, normals and blend
weights. We set K = 10 through all experiments. The unsigned distance D is augmented with the sign of the dot product between and n to produce a coarse SDF. We additionally discard the k-th neighbor if its canonical correspondence (T-Pose of SMPL-H) is too far from the canonical correspondence of the nearest neighbor. This strategy effectively exclude distant points from being assigned to the calculation of coarse world space SDF. The coarse level world space SDF is defined as .
Inverse warping. We follow the previous literature[38, 44] and use the linear blend skinning algorithm [35] to perform the inverse warping. The details can be found in the supplementary.
Fine distance query. Given the warped query point , the pose-dependent displacement field adds small perturbation to produce the final canonical space query point . We implement as an MLP with the human pose at the fth frame and as input. The displaced canonical point fed into the canonical distance model S is defined as
Then, the fine canonical distance value can be obtained by querying the network
Smooth distance blending. Since SDF values of points close to the surface are hardly affected by LBS (Fig. 3 of the main paper and Fig. S3 of the supplementary), we propose to blend the fine canonical space distance value and the coarse world space distance using a smooth function to produce the final approximated world space distance value
where is the distance threshold for cutting off coarse and fine distances, which is empirically set to 0.1. Note that we only perform the evaluation of S on points that satisfy the cutoff criteria for efficiency.
3.3. Geometry
Our physically based renderer requires the pixel-surface intersection , surface normal , and light visibility as input. Using the Hierarchical Distance Query, these values can be easily obtained from the world space SDF of the neural avatar under arbitrary human poses.
Surface intersection. Given a camera ray and the neural avatar’s SDF, we compute the location at which the ray r(t) = o + td from the camera origin o along the ray direction d intersects the surface of the posed neural avatar. Specifically, we perform Sphere Tracing iterations with the world space distance using Hierarchical Distance Query until the ray converges to the surface intersection point . The detailed algorithm is listed in the supplementary. is set to 16 across all experiments.
Surface normal. The analytic normal direction n of any 3D points could be computed as the gradient of the neural SDF using . Although the hierarchical distance is differentiable, computing gradient through the whole query process is not efficient. Instead, we notice that surface intersections should satisfy the cutoff criteria of smooth distance blending in Section 3.2, that is
Thus, the world space normal can be computed using and transformed from canonical to world space using the forward warping process. More details can be found in the supplementary.
Light visibility. Light visibility from any 3D point x along any light direction can be computed as whether the light path is occluded by the geometry of the posed neural avatar, which is later integrated in the rendering equation [31] around the hemisphere. Since we use a discrete light probe , the visibility term for every light direction needs to be integrated on the area of the pixel of , which is time-consuming. Thanks to the global meaning of distance field, this occlusion and integration process can be approximated using Distance Field Soft Shadow (DFSS) [2, 6, 43], producing soft visibility with a single light sample. Specifically, we compute the visibility as the soft penumbra coefficient
for each surface point along one of the 512 light directions defined by during the sphere tracing steps, which is set to 4 for all experiments. The number of sphere tracing required for shadows are smaller as validated in Tab. 3. The ratio between the two tangent values and serves as an approximation of the ratio of light being occluded by the geometry from to the smooth blending of and in Sec. 3.2, our soft visibility scheme produces realistic and smooth soft shadow even when distance values from the parametric human model [47] and the canonical neural SDF are not perfectly aligned. A detailed listing of this algorithm is provided in the supplementary.
3.4. Reflectance
We adopt the Microfacet BRDF model in [59] for our material representation, which is composed of a diffuse albedo term and a specular roughness term. We use a fixed Fresnel term of 0.04. Similar to [16, 70, 71], we paramterize the albedo and roughness map with two MLPs and , which is defined in the same canonical frame as BRDF model is denoted incoming radiance direction, is the outgoing radiance direction and is the surface normal.
Given world space query point and its corresponding canonical space point , we obtain the albedo and roughness by querying their canonical neural fields A and , which can then be converted to BRDF values as defined in [59]. Our physically-based renderer also takes a light probe as input, which is represented by an optimizable neural texture during training and replaced with the designated environment map during relighting [16, 18, 70].
3.5. Training
We use 512 discrete incoming light directions defined by the light probe to approximate the Rendering Equation [31] as
where is the solid angle of the incoming light sampled from the light probe is the outgoing radiance at the surface intersection
We optimize our relightable and animatable neural human avatar by rendering the image with given camera poses and comparing the pixel values against the ground truth ones . The main loss function is defined as all camera rays in the forward rendering process. Due to the ill-posed nature of the problem, we adopt a two-stage training strategy and add additional regularizations one the geometry (eikonal loss ) and material (sparsity loss and smoothness loss ). We elaborate on the details of each loss term and the training strategy in the supplementary. The training takes 20 hours on an Nvidia RTX 3090. Rendering a 512512 image takes 5s.
In this section, we conduct qualitative and quantitative experiments to investigate the performance of our relightable neural avatars. All hyperparameters are fixed through out the experiments unless otherwise specified. In Sec. 4.1, we
Figure 4. Qualitative comparison of our method and baselines. The first six columns display the results of synthesizing a character in a novel pose from the MobileStage dataset. The middle six columns depict a character in a training pose from the MobileStage dataset. For the last six columns, we show results from SyntheticHuman++, for which we have ground truth as reference. Note that NeRFactor is only trained on 1 frame. Relighting4D* and NeRFactor* denote directly computing normal and visibility using their density MLPs.
briefly introduce the datasets used for evaluation. Then we make quantitative and qualitative comparisons with three baseline methods in Sec. 4.2. Finally, we conduct ablation studies to investigate the effectiveness of our Hierarchical Distance Query and the soft visibility scheme in Sec. 4.3.
4.1. Datasets
We collect two datasets MobileStage and SyntheticHuman++ for evaluation. MobileStage is a real-world multi-view (36 views) dataset created with synchronized mobile phone cameras on 4 real-world humans. We uniformly select 12 views for training. SyntheticHuman++ contains 4 sequences (20 views) of dynamic 3D human models with ground truth shape and relighting information. We uniformly select 10 views for training for the sparse-view setting and we use the fourth view for the monocular setting. Please refer to the supplementary for more details.
4.2. Baseline Comparisons
Baselines. To the best of our knowledge, there are very few prior works that study the exact same setting as ours, i.e. training with unknown illumination and sparse-view (or monocular) videos while rendering with novel illumination and novel human poses. We take NeRFactor [70] and Relighting4D [16] as baselines and make comparisons with them on both real and synthetic datasets. Since NeRFactor is designed to handle static objects, we only train and evaluate it on the multi-view images of the first frame of each video. We
Table 1. Quantitative comparison. We compare our method with baselines on the SyntheticHuman++ dataset. Following [46], the SSIM and LPIPS [68] metrics are computed in the bounding box of the human region, while the degree of normal and PSNR metrics are computed within the foreground mask. Due to the inherent scale ambiguity in the inverse rendering task, we align the rendered images and albedo with ground truth ones following [67] before computing metrics. Since NeRFactor [70] is designed to fit static objects, we train and evaluate it only on the first frame of each sequence. “” denotes variants without the normal and visibility MLPs.
observe that their normal and visibility MLPs often fail under complex human motions, thus we additionally compare with a Relighting4D* and NeRFactor* variant where we use the normal and visibility computed from the density MLP instead of the normal and visibility MLPs. To illustrate the effectiveness of our proposed components, we additionally compare with a non-relightable baseline [45].
Metrics. For quantitative analysis, we compare the normal (in degrees), albedo, light visibility and relighting results on 6 different light probes obtained from Polyhaven [1] using the PSNR, SSIM and LPIPS [68] metrics. Following [67], we align the diffuse albedo and rendered images with ground truth ones before computing metrics to mitigate the inherent scale ambiguity in the inverse rendering problem. Note that we evaluate PSNR using the same protocal as [44], only computing metrics on the human region. When computing metrics on the full image, our method achieves a PSNR of 28-30 dB. We do not compare the roughness term since Blender uses a different Principled BRDF model from [59]. Environment map of SyntheticHuman [45] is not available since they used programmatically defined light sources. We compare the uniform shading results to evaluate the visibility quality, where the BRDFs of the reconstructed avatars are set to 0.8 across all radiance directions (denoted “Visibility”) when rendering. Since SyntheticHuman [45] does not provide ground truth models for novel poses, we only perform quantitative comparisons on training poses in Tab. 1, while qualitative analysis of animating the avatars can be found in Fig. 4 and the supplementary video.
Results. As shown in Fig. 4, our approach can successfully decompose the material and dynamic geometry of the neural avatar, generating a relightable neural avatar from only sparse-view (or monocular) video inputs. In comparison, NeRFactor[70] trained on 1 video frame overfits the training image with sparse-view input. Relighting4D [16] passes structured latent codes [46] to NeRFactor’s MLPs, enabling it to relight a dynamic video of human performance. However, its quality decreases greatly when synthesizing novel poses. This is mainly because the visibility and normal MLP used in [16] is not generalizable to novel human motions. For the Relighting4D* variant, the density backbone still fails to generalize to novel poses [38, 45]. AniSDF [45] bakes illuminations effects like self-occlusions onto the rendering network, thus the reconstructed neural avatar looks unrealistic under novel illuminations. Qualitative results on monocular inputs can be found in the supplementary. Note thatRelighting4D and NeRFactor take 3s to render a 512512 image, their “*” variants take 50s and our method takes 5s.
4.3. Ablation Studies
In this part, we ablate the effectiveness of our Hierarchical Distance Query and soft visibility scheme with the jody model of SyntheticHuman++ under the sparse-view setting. More ablation studies can be found in the supplementary.
Effectiveness of Hierarchical Distance Query. In Fig. 5, We compare the results of performing sphere tracing on the canonical space distance (“w/o ”), coarse GS- KNN distance (“w/o ”) and our proposed hierarchically queried distance (“Ours”). As shown in the figure, the canonical space distance is incorrect when the query point is far from the actual surface of the human geometry, resulting in incorrect surface intersection points after the termination of the sphere tracing algorithm. Additionally, computing light visibility on this incorrect distance field would lead to false black regions since distances far from surface points are not reported correctly. Performing surface intersection
Figure 5. Effectiveness of Hierarchical Distance Query. Performing sphere tracing using only the canonical distance world distance results in incorrect surface intersection and soft visibility, while tracing with our proposed Hierarchical Distance Query produces correct results. Using hard shadow (“w/o soft visibility”) or no shadow (“w/o visibility”) leads degraded perceptual quality.
and visibility computation on the coarse distance results in distorted rendering results. The “w/o sphere tracing” variant uses volume rendering of 128 samples per ray for surface intersection and light visibility computation, leading to an excessive rendering time of 60s per image for a resolution of 512512, while our HDQ algorithm is able to obtain 10x speed-up at 5s per image with superior rendering quality.
Table 2. Ablation study on Hierarchical Distance Query and soft visibility scheme. The “w/o sphere tracing” variant uses naive volume rendering to compute pixel-surface intersection and visibility. More detailed description can be found in Sec. 4.3.
Effectiveness of the soft visibility scheme. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our soft visibility scheme by comparing it with two other variants where (a) hard visibility is used (“w/o soft visibility”) and (b) no light visibility term is used (“w/o visibility”). The quantitative comparison of all three variants can be found in Tab. 2. Note that the visual quality of hard cast shadows in the “w/o soft visibility” is worse than ours, as indicated by the LPIPS metric and shown in Fig. 5.
Sensitivity analysis on hyper-parameters. We provide a runtime and sensitivity analysis regarding the cut-off value in Tab. 3. The cut-off for surface intersection is denoted and the cut-off for DFSS is denoted . The frame time and the rendering quality are roughly linear to the cut-off value up to a certain point, after which only diminishing returns can be observed by increasing the cut-off. However, a too-small value may result in incorrect surface intersection and visibility estimation, leading to degraded quality. Thus we choose the minimum cut-off value without a visible quality degradation ( ) as the default one. Setting the cut-off value to zero is effectively the same as the “w/o (GS-KNN)” variant in Fig. 5 , which greatly degrades the quality of relighting and rendering as shown in. Additional sensitivity analysis of hyperparameters can be found in the supplementary material.
Table 3. Sensitivity study and runtime analysis on the cut-off value. We choose the minimum cut-off value without a visible quality degradation ( ) as the default one.
This paper presents a novel framework to reconstruct relightable and animatable neural avatars from only sparse-view (or monocular) video input. We generalize the canonical distance field to arbitrary human poses via a hierarchical distance query scheme, with which the photometric properties of the neural avatar can be easily retrieved for relighting. We demonstrate that together with other innovative components, our approach reconstructs high-quality animatable geometry and material, supporting realistic relighting.
Limitations. Although the proposed method produces high-quality relighting results from challenging sparse-view or monocular settings, it has the natural limitation of neural field methods in that it requires a long training time of 20 hours and could not render in real-time (5s per image). Future work could consider recent neural field acceleration methods to further increase the training and rendering speed. More discussions are presented in the supplementary.
The authors would like to acknowledge support from NSFC (No. 62172364) and Information Technology Center and State Key Lab of CAD&CG, Zhejiang University.
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